Crossing the threshold

Yesterday, December 14th was a New Moon and Total Solar Eclipse! My husband and I went for a long walk along the edge of our city. I usually walk alone and listen to various You Tube videos or audiobooks. It's been like the movie "Groundhog Day" for me since the Covid-19 Lockdown. I've realized that I need other people in my life even though we love each other. Fortunately, he still has his job and we have an upstairs apartment to rent out. Unfortunately, the renter is having a hard time making the rent. I've been trying to change careers and reinvent myself for ten years. Amidst the beauty of nature was the ugliness of the industrial side of the city and garbage strewn on the banks of the waterway. I'm not sure I want to live here anymore. It's really hard to understand what has happened to the people who throw their garbage everywhere and are living out on the streets in tents and broken down, burned out, tarpolined RV's. The social wreckage of tho...